
Showing posts from January, 2024

Was there ever a world

 Was there ever a time where we did not ever judge each other so much Was there ever a time ever a time where we gave each other a helping hand was their ever a time of hope and love  Was there ever a time we did not have so much hatred for each other  if not can it be now can christens Jews and Muslims and other religions learn to get along Can us conservatives stop calling liberals indoctrinated and liberals leran to stop calling conservatives uneducated  can we learn to help each other without judgement after all I have not step in your shoes nor you mine

Quotes from Mother Teresa

 It's not how much love we love It's how much love we put into giving A life not lived for others is not a life I prefer you make mistakes in kindness than work miracles in umkindness  If you find happiness people may be jealous be happy anyways If you find happiness people may be jealous be happy anyways Prayer in action is love, love in action is service Be faithful in small things it is them that your strength lies Not all of us can do great things but we can do great things with great love If you judge people you have no time to love them Peace begins with a smile Never worth about numbers help one person at a time and always start with the person nearest you Love to be real, it must empty us of self Do not allow yourselfs to be dishearten by failure as long as you have done your best life is a challenge; we must accept it Do not think that love in order to be genuine has to be extraordinary, what we need is love without getting tired The most terrible poverty is lonelines...

Some one god would want to be king or president

 1. Someone loyal to his people not his pocket book 2. Someone who if needed would risk his life for his country man 3. Someone who wants to inspire hope 4. Someone after gods own heart 5.someone who will always protect children and women and people weaker then himself 6. Someone who would add his money to a cause befor he asked anyone else to even though a tax


                             Jan/24/2024 It rained today I went to the coffee shop played games on my phone read some poems of mine played with my puppy Roxy played on my harmonica and prayed and sang to Jesus                              Oct/28/2024  To day went to the gas station then went to the coffee shop saw some friends met some new people talked to a pretty redhead that was sitting at the table next to me played some moble games wrote and read                               Oct/29/2024 Stayed home played games prayed then went to NB coffee with my mom I had a tea and kolacey my mom had two                          Dec 9 though dec12 My dad and stepmom Joy visited we went to Panther Canyon f...

Jesus wants you I mean you

 Jesus wants you mean you in the front and you in the back Jesus wants you wants you the one that ran from him as fast as you can when everything went wrong Jesus wants you mean you the one who gave up on yourself and god when everyone miss treated you and laughed at you Jesus wants you I mean the one who he needs weed to have fun Jesus wants you I mean you the one who's looking for yourself at the end of the bottle Jesus wants you I mean you the one who is trying to find love though sex  Trust me Jesus wants and needs you more then you know he fells your pain and just wants you to him get on your knees and prey Jesus I am yours I accept you in my heart as my lord is and savior I admit I have sinned against you and your father and ask you to forgive me and heal me and send the holy spirit to guide me Jesus will come because he needs you his sibling you are like a drug to him he loves you                        God lov...

Heavenly father bless the people in Jesus name

 Father bless the people in Jesus name Father bless my family most love you and would do your work if showen what that was for them Father bless my friends most mean well and just need to see your love for them Father bless my city most are just confused by what you want Father bless my great state most need more faith and you would be performing miracles though them in no time God bless the wonderful united States of America and show us how to be more like you and influence us to put you back In our schools and every day lives Father please show your self, your love and your power to every country on every continent Father please also bless me and influencee to do your work what ever that may be Father please bless and influence the people in Jesus name 

Go and sin no more little child of god

 Go and sin no more new little child of god for god loves you and wants to clean your heart by giving you a new one little child of god show your faith by your deeds by giving to the poor because bless are the hands that do and help the disabled and follow the obvious anointed because god commands both                    If you love anyone If you love anyone always choose to be a light for them day or night because their will always be darkness  And if you love everyone choose to be as good as you can to give people hope because their will always be evil trying to tear them down We always needed hero's If it be a truly noble knight or carriage solder fighting for the people  We always needed great leaders A king that was honorable and just or a true president to lead the people though difficult times  we always needed healers to heal the sick so it be a doctor or nurse But some times we just need a friend so be as goo...

I love you god

 I love you god you are so lovely and loving you are the king of kings and I love you my king that's also my god your the nicest and lovest person to ever exist I love my perfect and never changing god        I love you more then air my god I love you more then air my god I love you more then my mom my god I love you more then my baby sister my god I love you more then my life or life it self theirs no humans life I love more then you my god no item I love more then you my lovely god                      I can't live without you my god To live with out you my god is to be empty to fell unloved to live with out you is to be hollow and sad my god to live without my god is to be unwise and joyless I love you my god I need you you’re my everything I can't live without you my god bless me to always have you I just need you     May all mankind know your love my god You keep sending angels like Michael to...