
Showing posts from November, 2024

Not now

 No no you don’t it’s not the right time to be catching feelings before you know it you will be hrs away not right now your on your way out the door you can not be catching feelings right now yes she’s cute yes she’s nice but no way you’re going to talk to someone when your on your way out the door maybe next time but not right now maybe when your done with school have a career but not now

Divine verses turned to poems

                    The creators hand The creator’s hand in the in the beginning, there was darkness and then a spark of light from a void emerged creation guided by the creators might With a gentle touch he formed the earth and breathed life into the skies every creature every plant a masterpiece in his eyes to show us all                              The Eternal Flame The Eternal Flame in depths of our soul there burns a flame A light that never fades a love that never wanes  it is a spark of the divine the essence of Gods grace a reminder of his presence in every time and place                         The Shepherds love The shepherds love like a shepherd tends his flock God watches over me Guiding me  through valleys deep and leaving me to eternity  His love is like a gentle breeze that ...

Shel I find you one day

 Shel  find you one day the one perfect for boy I wish I knew where you were shel we have many kids shel we write and act our way around the world shel we spend some time on my mom’s ranch shel we travel the world with my dad shel we learn to make a little of everything shel our kids know their loved shel we take them around the world 

You would see a miracle

 If you new my past self hated you would see a miracle if you knew how I use to see myself you would see a miracle it took god telling me he loves me I would believe no one else god change my mind about myself for the most fault but boy did I test him and not want to believe it was him though a part of me could tell he said he loved me so and I’m to nice to be perfect I love my god

If I ever have kids

                            If I ever have kids If I ever have kids I hope they don’t have my weaknesses If I ever have kids I hope they don’t see them selfs the way I saw myself most of my life and sometimes still do  If I ever have kids I shell they never forget how to laugh  If I ever have kids shell they always fell loved  If I ever have kids shell they always remember how to have fun  If I ever have kids I hope they always have friends in their life  If ever have kids shell they never be depressed  If I have ever have kids I hope they are better then then me in every way please don’t be another me please don’t be as self reckless please think about your self

It’s enough

 To have enough to have a life to go out is enough no need to be rich To have friends to hang out with that love me is enough no need to be love by everyone  To have a town or city with many places to hangout where the people know my name is enough no need to see every place To have a warm or cool place to sleep is enough no need to have a mansion 

To have a friend again

 To have a friend to run with again oh have the runs got so boring and joyless just a exercise something that use to be so much fun To have coffee with someone I have something in common with instead of the old timers that may not be around for much longer but how wise they are and how they understand the world in ways I could never for I lived a different life and how boring our times together can be To once again enjoy a night out with friends without a worry in the world may a day like that come one more time what I’ll do for it

A life without loved ones

A life with out loved ones is like a needle in the armpit such a overbearing pain that needs to be pulled out We are meant to laugh, a joyful laugh with great friends we are meant to go out and play beneath the clouds not just sit and wonder what could have been but live wonderful lives with loved ones not in isolation

Robin Hood’s prayer

 The Dust settled over Nottingham castle. Prince John, a whimpering shadow of his former tyrannical self, was in chains. The sheriff, his teeth all chattering louder than his once booming voice, awaited a similar fate. Robin Hood, his legendary bow now a symbol of hope than rebellion watched with weary satisfaction. But tyranny for now, has been routed. Yet robin dealt a profound unease. A darkness lingered, a senses of unease forces at play. This was not merely aftermath of war, but something sinister, something that chilled him to the bone. He sought solace in depths in Sherwood Forest, under the ancient oaks where and his merry man often found peace. Kneeling beneath a canopy of leaves, Robin prayed. Not for himself, for his for his battles were many and his skill unmatched, but for his men, for the innocent people of Nottingham, and the soul of England itself. As he prayed, a strange stillness fell over the forest. The rustling leaves got quiet, the bird song ceased, and a sing...