Go and sin no more little child of god
Go and sin no more new little child of god for god loves you and wants to clean your heart by giving you a new one little child of god show your faith by your deeds by giving to the poor because bless are the hands that do and help the disabled and follow the obvious anointed because god commands both
If you love anyone
If you love anyone always choose to be a light for them day or night because their will always be darkness
And if you love everyone choose to be as good as you can to give people hope because their will always be evil trying to tear them down
We always needed hero's If it be a truly noble knight or carriage solder fighting for the people
We always needed great leaders A king that was honorable and just or a true president to lead the people though difficult times
we always needed healers to heal the sick so it be a doctor or nurse
But some times we just need a friend so be as good as you can if it just be for your family and friends but please think about being a light for the people even though you will never be as bright as Jesus who's all the things above
Jesus you are the nicest
Jesus you are the nicest the most loving of all no one could be half as loving as you no one more pure no one more innocent you are the lovest of are no one more loveable until I lie and you broke that habbit
Don't you know your a creation of the lord oh mighty he wants you today tomorrow and yesterday as his son's and daughters I know some of you think you strayed to far become to evil but no one's to far gone to be saved by the lord and savior he wants you today yesterday and tomorrow don't you know he loved you so can't you see god will do anything for you he wants you to be his baby again
Live your life
Don't let fear control your life if you let fear control your every decision your one day look back and wish you didn't
You will wish you started that business you wanted and wonder if it just might of turn in to a empire
You will wish you talked to the girls you liked and wonder if just maybe y'all would have fell in love
You would wonder if you would have wrote that book you wanted would it have been a top saler
You would wonder what it would be like to know multiple languages
You would wonder what if you would gone back to school
Don't wonder face your fears
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