It rained today I went to the coffee shop played games on my phone read some poems of mine played with my puppy Roxy played on my harmonica and prayed and sang to Jesus
To day went to the gas station then went to the coffee shop saw some friends met some new people talked to a pretty redhead that was sitting at the table next to me played some moble games wrote and read
Stayed home played games prayed then went to NB coffee with my mom I had a tea and kolacey my mom had two
Dec 9 though dec12
My dad and stepmom Joy visited we went to Panther Canyon for a hike where I ran a lot with my high school cross country team in high school and hung around landa park a park I love went drove by my old high school we went to a taco stand and das rec a nice gym in New Braunfels we went to New Braunfels coffee shop which is a coffee shop I hangout at these days as well as Gruene a little paradise in New Braunfels which I think my dad saw it as as well I also picked my dads brain a lot he’s really smart and creative will miss him tell next time I see him and his lovely and sweet wife
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